Blueforest Environmental Development
Your development specialists when it comes to locating and managing your greenhouse projects.
Blueforest supports clients in the development of their commercial-scale turnkey greenhouse projects. Over the years, we have assisted numerous clients in capacities ranging from an advisory role on project viability to the development of complete turnkey greenhouse projects. We work on project sizes as small as 1 acre to over 100 acres and growing methods from high-wire crops to mobile-gully systems.
With our partner Havecon, we represent one of the largest greenhouse development, construction and service groups in North America. We offer a variety of services that clients can select depending on their level of need. More specifically, Blueforest specializes in the following activities:
Location Identification
Assessing the feasibility of the project by determining developmental requirements, location availability and site conditions.
Location Selection
Evaluate site characteristics to determine land investigation studies required as well as complete preliminary design and engineering work to assess the financial cost of the project.
Location Support
Secure support through local and state/provincial incentive programs and utility connection commitment packages.
Permits and Approvals
Acquire permits needed for construction by finalizing design and engineering studies.
Project Management
Oversee all aspects of the development of the project.
Our development process is all about realizing an effective and efficient solution. We develop multiple locations at the same time and only during a later stage is a final choice made. By taking a concurrent versus sequential approach, we highlight the best site locations from a social, economic and environmental perspective while creating competition among the competing local governments.
Working in coordination with Havecon we provide:
Predictable construction-ready locations,
One-stop service by integrating engineering requirements in the location identification process and pre-development phases,
Limit public exposure to the development until all critical aspects of a project are finalized- client anonymity has been maintained during this process,
Present pertinent information about the proposed development to stakeholders who will have a direct and indirect influence on the project,
Manage local accredited land consultants to prepare the necessary reports, studies and permits required for land development and construction approval.